In January of 1953, a group of residents of Seneca, South Carolina, embarked upon a new journey as a church family known as Trinity Baptist Church, and in 2023 we celebrate 70 years as a church family.  This congregation has grown in number and in spirit throughout those 70 years.  Trinity has been a progressive voice for God in this community in a variety of significant ways throughout its history:  opening the first kindergarten, public or private, in Oconee County in 1964, being a significant part of the beginnings of Habitat for Humanity in Oconee County, Our Daily Rest Homeless Shelter in Seneca, and many other missional endeavors here locally and internationally.

Our theme for this anniversary year is a prayer from former United Nations Secretary General, Dag Hammerskjold, “For all that has been, thanks. To all that shall be, yes!”  We look back in gratitude for how God has led this congregation in our past, and we excitedly look ahead to what God will do through Trinity in our future together. Throughout this year we will celebrate our anniversary in a variety of ways, so join us as we say “Thanks” and “yes!” to God for Trinity Baptist Church.


Trinity’s charter members in front of the “Tribble House,” Trinity’s first place of worship, January, 1953.