Pictorial Directory

Trinity’s last pictorial directory process began in 2017.  A lot has happened since then!  By allowing you and your family to be photographed for this directory, you will help to foster a better fellowship among us by helping us and you put more names and faces together within our church family! Please consider being photographed and being a part of this directory.  Our initial photography sessions will be November 1-5.
How to sign up online for your photography appointment:


  • Go to the Universal Church Directories website, www.ucdir.com
  • Click on the box on the right side of the homepage entitled Photography Appointment Scheduling Login
  • Enter Trinity’s church code:  sc266
  • Enter Trinity’s password:   photos
  • Click on the Enter button
  • Click on the desired photography date
  • Click on the Reserve Time button beside the desired photography appointment
  • Enter the appropriate information in all required fields (indicated by the asterisk)
  • Click on the Schedule Appointment button at the bottom of the screen to reserve the photography appointment time in your family’s name
  • If you have more than six family members being photographed, please reserve two appointments consecutively (such as 6:00 and 6:10)
  • Optional:  Print the next screen to use as a reminder of your family’s photography appointment
  • Contact the church office during regular office hours at 864-882-9396 if you need assistance signing up or if you need to cancel or change your appointment time.  There will also be teams offering assistance with signing up in the next few weeks on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.