
Sunday Mornings

Worship with Us


Sunday School classes available for all ages


Worship in the sanctuary

Online Worship

Our worship services are streamed live on the church’s facebook page each Sunday morning at 10:30 am.

Sunday School Classes

Sunday School is from 9:30-10:15 each Sunday Morning

  • Nursery is available for ages birth through 2 years in Rooms 300 and 302.
  • 3K and 4K children meet downstairs in Room 100 with Debby Howard.
  • Kindergarten and 1st Grade meet downstairs in Room 103 with Elke Martin.
  • 2nd – 5th Grade meets in Room 304 with a rotation of teachers that include Pam and Stephen Scruggs, Tracey Crawford, and Krissy Boggs.
  • Middle and High School classes meet downstairs in the youth room, directly below the Fellowship Hall. Teachers are on a rotation and include David Nations, Kay Wilson, Kathleen Lynch, and Kris Frady.
College and Career
  • The College and Career class meets in the conference room. You can also join virtually through Zoom each week.
  • Join the Remind for the link each week. Text “tbcs2022” to 81010.

We offer a variety of adult classes with differing age-ranges, teaching styles, and materials.

Find the best fit for you!

  • The Table meets in Room 204. “A bunch of outcasts and oddballs gathered at a table, not because they are rich or worthy, but because they are hungry, because they said yes. And there is always room for more.” This class is taught by Lydia Powell and consists of mostly young couples.
  • Young Adults meet in Room 305. This is primarily a group of people in their late 30’s to mid 40’s. This class is taught by Danny Weathers.
  • Faith and Family meets in Room 303. This is primarily a group of adults with high school to college-aged families. This class is taught by Ed Evans, Michael Martin, and Kay Wilson.
  • Empty Nesters meet in Room 214. This group is exactly what the name calls it. This class has a rotation of teachers that include Curtis Brock, Chuck Middleton, Lisa Towe, and Stanley Gibson.
  • Just Older Youth (JOY) class meets in Room 220. This class serves any and all adults. Teachers are Martin Hemphill and Phil Buckheister.
  • The Encourages class meets in Room 309. This class serves any and all adults. Teachers are on a rotation and include Wallace Peebles, Caroline Davis, Calvin Ussery, June Ussery, Todd Wilson, Mac McMillian, and Nancy Thompson.
  • Ruth Babb Class meets in Room 202. This is a women’s class and primarily consists of Senior Adults. This class has a rotation of teachers that include Martha Hammett, Becky Buckeister, and Mary Busha.
  • Adult Men’s class meets in Room 207. This class serves adult men and is taught on a rotation by Byron Reames, David Bryant, and Norman Pope.